We have started preparing our garden for winter – have you?
Getting ready for Winter
We so often talk about making our homes all cozy for winter don’t we and all the things we need to do. Things such as put away the summer clothes, replace the light curtains with heavier ones and line up the throws. We start building up log supplies for the fire, we change our duvets and we probably put a few more rugs out to cozy up our homes.
I am good with all that and my home is looking cosier already (though still reluctant to put my sundresses into storage – still hoping for a last burst of sunshine!)
My garden, however ..yikes it looks shambolic.
There are a host of jobs we need to do but I am going to keep it all simple and make myself a little to do list to ensure I at least make a focused start. Do you do this?
7 steps
First of all,
- We need to pack away the summer toys still strewn across the lawn!
- Several pots need to be emptied and put behind the sheds, annuals need chucking on the compost heap!
- Check the stability of shed roofs, fences etc which might be impacted by winds
- Weatherproof varnish or cover garden furniture
- Clean our pond (loving the sound of the pond sludge cleaner from Bradshaw’s Direct which you find here it removes the debris from the bottom of the pound without the need for you to get cold and filthy!)
- I also need to net the pond to stop all the leaves getting in
- I need to plant winter bedding plants in preparation for spring – maybe some pansies and some wallflowers?
There will be a host of other winter garden prep jobs to do I am sure but these are my starting point.
First I need to dig out a jumper and my wellies though..it is getting cold out there!
collaborative post