Home » 7 Super Spring Cleaning Tips

7 Super Spring Cleaning Tips

It is really lovely to have a Spring fresh house clean form top to toe but oh it really can feel like such a chore can’t it.

Declutter first. There is no point cleaning stuff you don’t need or really want to keep so commit to a big  declutter prior to a big cleaning session.

Be prepared:you need bin liners, cleaning sprays, cloths, a mop, vacuum cleaner, wipes and lot of energy (make sure you have eaten! )  It is so annoying to run out of any of these things part way through cleaning and it really pays to be prepared.


Enlist the family to help. You all live in your house and it is everybody’s responsibility to keep it clean. PLUS, if everyone is to clean up then EVERYONE becomes more mindful and careful about the mess they make!

Keep it simple and speedy is the way to go I think and so define your task for this particular cleaning session and set a timer for how long you want to take

I  have found some excellent cleaning videos to inspire me! Do take a look,. If you do a job properly it really will take a lot less time.

Cleaning kitchen appliances is not something I attempt very often but these really do need a good clean  don’t miss then off your Spring cleaning list just because they are not easily  seen. Lots of advice forcleaning your kitchen appliances can be found here

Cleaning can be dull but you can reduce the dull by putting on some favourite tunes or podcasts whilst you work. It makes the time go by much more quickly. Audio books are a great option too and can actually help you look forward to a cleaning session (Ii know that may be hard to believe)

I hope these simple spring cleaning tips help make your cleaning a bit more manageable and a lot more fun and effective.

Please share the thrifty ♥


  1. May 25, 2016 / 7:25 pm

    The deep spring clean is something we often neglect in our house, we usually hire professional cleaners for such tasks but since reading this post we feel motivated to tackle the house ourselves. You are right, it s amazing what a piece of good music can do change the mood while cleaning.

  2. Chen @ LC Blog
    May 28, 2016 / 2:32 pm

    Some great tips! I love waking up to a nice clean house because everything has been done the night before! xx

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