The colder months are upon us, and with them comes the holidays and cosy times with friends and family. During these times, we seek inside the home, away from the cold and dark, for warmth and comfort, and try to create a cosy atmosphere for the good times to come.
In Denmark they have a word, that perfectly encapsulates the feeling we try to create; ’hygge’. In its essence, ‘hygge’ is about creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying good times with our loved ones.
A great way of creating this cosy atmosphere, is with a bioethanol fireplace – the environmentally friendly alternative to the classic wood burning stove.
A bio ethanol fireplace creates just the right mood, and gives of that familiar warmth of a fireplace. And you won’t have to worry about the indoor climate of your home or harming the environment. A bio fire does not emit soot, smoke or other harmful substances, and burns on the environmentally friendly fuel, bioethanol.
What is an ethanol fireplace?
A bioethanol fireplace is a fireplace powered by bioethanol. Bioethanol is a liquid, flammable fuel. With a bio fireplace, bioethanol is burned, to create a beautiful flame that is both decorative and gives off heat.
The different types of bio fireplaces
There are many different types of bioethanol fireplaces, and different ways to install them.
Firstly, you have to choose whether you want a manual or automatic burner. The burner is essentially the heart of the bio fireplace. This is where the bioethanol is stored and burned to create the flames.
The most common is the manual burner and, as the name suggests, it is ignited, extinguished and controlled manually. Therefore, it does not require a power connection. This makes it easy to install the fireplace anywhere, both inside and outside, so you can create the cosy atmosphere in your living room during the winter months, and create light and warmth on terrasse during those long summer nights.
The automatic burner has become increasingly more popular in the later years, probably because it is a bit easier to work with and has more safety measures. This type of burner is ignited, extinguished and controlled via a remote control or via an app, depending on the model.
When you have chosen the type of burner your ethanol fireplace should have, it is time to choose how it should be installed. There is a wide range of options here, you can get inspiration and ideas of what is just the right bioethanol fireplace for you here.
Wall mounted or ceiling hanging bioethanol fires
One of the most popular ways to install a bio fireplace, is a mounted biofuel fireplace. Here you can choose to either mount your fireplace on the wall or have it hanging from the ceiling.
This may sound quite challenging to install, but in reality, it is very easy to install, and can be done without professional help.
Freestanding ethanol fireplaces
This type of biofuel fireplace comes in many different shapes and sizes, and can be placed anywhere – on the floor, on the table or in an existing fireplace. And it can be moved any time, so you can have it in any room you please.
Built-in bioethanol fireplace
A type of installation for a bio fire, that is quite popular in renovations or new constructions, is a built-in fireplace. It can be built into a wall in pretty much any way you like, so it can be seen from both one, two, three or even four angles.
Why choose a bioethanol fireplace?
Why is a bioethanol fireplace the right choice for you? When you want to choose a fireplace there are a lot of different options. You should choose a biofuel fire, if you want an easy, cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.