I love storage.
Finding fab storage in a charity shop makes me very happy.
Finding fab jewellery storage is something I struggle with. I have a lot of jewellery boxes…most of them thrifted that I keep my jewellery in. Much of hit gets jumbled up, i can barely find it and necklaces get tangled and rings get attached and it ends up looking like a jewellery jumble sale.
Most of my jewellery isn’t expensive but much of it has an emotional value and I really want to display store and care for it well.
I had a rare child free day last week ( I know in the school holidays too…an I was up to date with my work it’s unheard off. So I went to but the kids some jigsaws and books 9essential supplies). Whilst I was at the counter just about to pay I noticed a little wicker basket filled with treasures.
These tiny pots could be used for rings, a special pair of earrings. (perhaps they were originally for pills.) Not sure at all but aren’t they exquiste. Just 50p each!
They seem to be made of some kind of heavy metal and enameled on top. So cute and dinky!
I also found this gorgeous wooden butterfly pot
again just 50p!
and this Morrocan looking pot, also wooden , very sturdy and very shiny.
I am aso delighted with my treasure boxes they will house some of my jewellry beautifully
What a bargain for just £2 total. You have to love a good charity shop.
Linking up to Magpie Monday..come and see a host of other second hand delights
These are gorgeous! I started reading and thought ‘oh! Tis should get linked with Magpie Monday!’ Obviously great minds think alike 😉
Thank you!
Dragon Metropolis Hack – Gold, Gems, Meals – Free Obtain 2013
Really lovely boxes! Well done for making the most of a rare child-free day!