Today – How to banish DIY fear
I DIY a little but I have to be honest and say I just kind of dabble really.
Oh, how I would love to be better at DIY as it can be so convenient and so much cheaper to just be able to do things yourself.
I have 3 things going against me, FEAR, lack of know-how and not having the right tools to do the job.
How to banish DIY fear
I am genuinely a bit scared of DIY, Power tools have made me nervous since metal work classes and woodwork classes at school. I have this fear that I may really hurt myself or that I may completely destroy my home!
Both are valid fears but perhaps a little extreme?
Maybe addressing the other 2 concerns will help with the DIY FEAR!
Lack of know how
Lack of know-how is a bit of a problem for me when It comes to DIY. No one in my family have ever been DIY-ers so I never got to see it in action or learn any tricks. My choices are super simple and include YouTube videos or asking someone I know to show me. I think the second option is probably the best for me as I learn best when I can be shown something AND ask questions. There is also the possibility of evening classes?
How to banish DIY fear by being prepared
Having the right tools would help me feel prepared for DIY. I think for a starter kit I probably need safety goggles and a toolkit, a basic drill and maybe some overalls too. Milfords have pretty much all I could possibly want in the way of DIY kit – dustsheet, grout, building materials of all kinds, adhesive and so on.
I believe brushing up my know-how and having the right kit would really help to banish DIY fear
Do you DIY?
Further reading
How to make a DIY reed diffuser