In the wake of the increased hurricane activities, many homeowners have already started the process of cleaning out their homes in the wake of the disaster. While the immediate threats have dwindled, the process of water damage recovery can be dangerous, especially if you’re not working with a licensed professional. That’s why it’s particularly important not to forget to stay safe even after the flood, no matter what might have caused it. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on staying safe while cleaning out probably the most dangerous part of your home: the basement.
Watch Out For Structural Damage
Massive floods can shift incredible amounts of earth and seriously compromise the foundations of your home. Another risk factor is that the wet soil is less stable. That means that the water might have damaged the foundation of your home or the ground surrounding it. If you remove the water too quickly, the foundation might shift and damage your home. Therefore, if you’re not sure whether the flood might have caused the foundations to become unstable, best contact an expert like Emergency Home Solutions:
Double-check the Electricity
While this is as common sense as it comes, it does not hurt to include it in your checklist. There’s more danger here than you realize. Don’t assume just because the power is out in the neighborhood it won’t suddenly come back while you’re in the water. To make sure you stay safe, turn off the main breaker box if you can reach it without exposing yourself to water or wet areas. If the box is surrounded by water, contact the power company and ask them to cut off your power supply until your home is dry.
Use the Generator Carefully
You will need a generator to power your home until the electricity comes back, which could take a while. Therefore, make sure to use it scarcely and only when needed. Don’t run the generator or the pump inside your home to avoid risking carbon monoxide exposure.
Wear a Protective Suit
If you’re determined to take care of the water in your basement on your own, don’t neglect to properly suit up. That includes everything from protective boots up, meaning protective gloves, a one-piece water resistant suit and a mask, provided that mold or mildew had enough time to develop. Make sure to clean your skin thoroughly after you’re done, as it could have come in contact with dangerous bacteria in the flood water.
Remove Flammable Substances
If your home was a victim of a regional flood, there’s a chance that the flood may have carried flammable chemicals like gasoline with it. You should be careful about the fumes they emit and about using fire close to them. Flooding might also affect the gas lines, and result in a gas leak in your home. If you smell any of these chemicals, evacuate your home.
Contact Emergency Home Solutions at A5, 20371 Lake Forest Dr, Lake Forest, CA 92630, United States; 949-916-0549 or visit
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