The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges to our everyday lives, and the process of moving home is no different. Ideally, you should avoid moving house until the lockdown is ended, especially if you are in a vulnerable group.
Sometimes moving house is unavoidable, so it is crucial to know the steps you should take to stay as safe as possible. Here are a few of the best ways to ensure your safety when moving house in the pandemic.
View Houses Virtually
It will help if you avoid viewing homes in person. Fortunately, many estate agents are offering virtual viewings to prospective homeowners and renters. These virtual tours can include video walkthroughs, 360-degree images of the various rooms in the house, and interactive floor plans.
Once you have settled on a home, you could consider viewing the house in person, though you should do this with caution. Make sure to take proper steps, like bringing your own hand sanitiser, avoiding touching doorknobs, and wearing a mask.
Clean As You Go
When packing up your belongings for a move, you should ensure that you clean thoroughly after yourself. This can be done more easily if you clean as you go, rather than cleaning the whole home in one session.
Cleaning your home thoroughly will help to protect future occupants, landlords or estate agents, as well as your family and anyone helping you move.
Hire A Reputable Removals Company
A good moving company will have a clear and appropriate COVID-19 policy. It will help if you do some research into the moving companies you have to choose from and ensure that you are comfortable with the measures they have in place.
Consider whether your chosen moving company has measures like remote surveying, proper use of masks and other PPE, and a robust handwashing policy in place. For an idea of the best practice that you should expect from your removal company take a look at G W Twilley and Son Removals. This moving company has extensive measures in place to promote COVID-19 safety when helping you move home and will give you the peace of mind you need.
Consider A Professional Cleaning Service
Before moving into your new home, it could be a good idea to have it professionally cleaned, if the timescales allow. This will help reduce the risk that you will catch anything from the previous homeowners, estate agents, or people viewing the home.
Many professional cleaners offer COVID-19 specific cleaning services, so it is a good idea to do some research into cleaning services available in your area.
How To Move Home Safely During COVID-19
Keep Windows And Doors Open
When moving, you should aim to keep as many doors and windows open as you can safely. This will allow better airflow for you, your family and any movers or other professionals you’ve hired to help the move. COVID-19 spreads more readily in enclosed areas, so keeping windows and doors open can do a lot to prevent transmitting the virus when working in small spaces.
How To Move Home Safely During COVID-19 is a feature post