Home » New Year, New You: Selling Your Old Gold Jewellery

New Year, New You: Selling Your Old Gold Jewellery


Selling Your Old Gold jewellery


Selling Your Old Gold jewellery

Are you thinking of selling your old gold jewellery?

Everyone is guilty of hoarding old belongings with no intention of using them again, so why not use the New Year as an opportunity to start over and sell some gold accessories that you no longer have any use for?


Many people see the start of a new year as the perfect time for a change. To some, this may be a more deep and meaningful life decision, or it could be something as simple as cleaning out all of your old junk and starting afresh. One item that most us seem to keep hold of is jewellery — whether it’s for sentimental reasons, or we just haven’t found the time to sell it online.

But maybe the start of 2017 is the perfect time to be more proactive and change all this. If you have old jewellery that you’ve been meaning to get rid of for a while, there’s no time like the present — and why not make some profit while you’re at it?


Revive Your Funds After Christmas Spending

Christmas is, of course, the season to be jolly, so while you hopefully had a lot of fun and good cheer over the festive period, your bank account will have been taking a bit of a kicking.

It’s not exactly a cheap time of year, even for those who have managed to perfect the art of being frugal. From the present buying to the social events and the mountain of food and treats for the children, somehow, the spending always gets a bit out of hand.

It’s for this reason that finding a way to make some extra money will prove to be extremely useful. An ideal way to do so is to sell used jewellery for cash; whether it’s a jewellery box that needs clearing out, unwanted gifts from previous years, or the fact that you currently own more gold than Mr T, if you feel that it’s the time to sell old gold jewellery, do a little research online to see who will give you the best scrap gold prices.


Have a Pre-Spring Clean

Although spring cleaning is obviously associated with the springtime, there’s no reason why you can’t start early and have your home clutter-free for 2017 — for a while, at least! Aside from the go-to chores like dusting, hoovering and polishing, having a clearout of old things is an ideal way to make the place ship-shape for the coming months

Certain household items and belongings always seem to be hoarded over the years. For example, you will find batteries at the bottom of a drawer somewhere in your house —  seriously, go and look. Another item that seems to make its way into people’s homes and stick around for a long time is jewellery. Most people have rings, necklaces or earrings that have outstayed their welcome and could easily be sold for a fair price.

During a pre-spring clean, you’ll be surprised how much stuff you’ve managed to accumulate and you’ll be equally as surprised to know that when you sell scrap gold or sell old gold jewellery, you can actually receive a decent amount.


Get a Quick and Easy Sale

The main aspect of selling household items and belongings that puts people off is the effort required to do so. If you’re unsure that you’ll even receive a fair price for the items, it can seem a bit pointless.

It may also be the case that you just haven’t got time to head into town, find a place where you’ll be able to sell old gold jewellery and haggle over a fair price. One of the best ways to ensure that you’ll get the best scrap gold prices is to send your items off to a cash-for-gold company. The best ones will send you an insured return envelope free of charge and usually come back with a quote for your items within 24 hours.

Not only does this provide a quick and hassle-free way of selling old gold jewellery, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the fair price you’re quoted. Less clutter in your home and more money in your pocket — not a bad way to start off 2017!

The beginning of a new year is a very exciting time, with resolutions in place, lots to look forward to over the next twelve months and, of course, the January sales. The problem is that after the festivities of Christmas, your bank account will most likely be looking less pretty than it was a few months ago. This is exactly why selling old, used gold and jewellery is an absolute gem of an idea to help build up some funds for the coming months.


Author Bio: Post My Gold is a leading buyer of gold, platinum and silver. A company that’s built on honesty and integrity, providing their customers with the best place to sell their old jewellery — all with a price-beating guarantee against any competitors.

I hope youhave found this post on selling your old gold jewellery useful




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