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How to upcycle a jam jar

upcycle a jam jar


How to upcycle a jam jar – some top tips

I do love a good upcycle and have so enjoyed learning how to upcycle a jam jar.

I also really really like using jars but they can be a bit expensive. That’s why reusing jars you already have  is a much thriftier option. It can also be quite a beautiful one too! My kids are big strawberry jams fans and jam jars are just perfect for  upcycling. There is very little to it. If you soak the jars in warm water to get the labels off  and give them a good clean then you will find your jars are good to go. take a look at these wonderful upcyling ideas

I just adore orchids and this is such a wonderful way to display them


and how about jam jars as storage, practical and pretty!

upcycle a jam jar, how to upcycle a jam jar

Oh and I love the flowers and fruit combo idea look so colourful and a bit quirky too!


And this is a slightly more sophisticated but still very simple upcycle. Doesn’t it just look great!

upcycle a jam jar


I hope you like these ideas just as much as I do. I think they are great fun and the best thing of all is they are free – upcycling is the way forward!

Thanks to Hartley’s jam for these fantastic upcycling photos and ideas.




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Happy and Home at A Residence blog

I do hope you have enjoyed this post on how to upcycle a jam jar

You might also enjoy my posts  what to do on Earth day  and how to upcyle a terracotta pot and how to upcyle spoons

Please share the thrifty ♥


  1. April 4, 2016 / 10:47 am

    Love these, great ways to reuse them, I love the shape of the Hartley’s jars they are perfect for this sort of thing. I took my Great Aunty some daffodils in a jam jar the other day, so much easier than trying to search for a vase at the other end 🙂

  2. April 4, 2016 / 8:01 pm

    Perfect timing! I have jars a plenty and drawers with random pens in them! Looks like tomorrow I’ll be doing some sorting and making some nifty jam jar pen storage. Not quite sure why I didn’t think of it before!

  3. April 6, 2016 / 9:30 pm

    I absolutely love these ideas, truly stunning. Adore the knife and fork holders with the name tags. So chic! Off to stock up on jam! x

  4. April 8, 2016 / 3:06 pm

    I always (which is actually a mistake because I end up with way too many) keep jam jars for storage, projects and upcycling. I like the flowers in them, that looks really lovely. Have a great weekend x

  5. Penny A Residence
    April 20, 2016 / 3:08 pm

    I have been mainly been using mine for painting, but I was just thinking how resourceful they are! Simple is good 🙂 #happyandhome

  6. Jane Taylor
    May 2, 2016 / 10:37 pm

    I love upcycling and recycling. The flowers and fruit combo is soooo effective. Thanks for sharing! And sorry for my late commenting via #happyandhome the prompt about this weeks linky reminded me!

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