Have you ever had an extension?
I have my heart set on a bigger bedroom for my daughter, hers is like a tiny box. It just has a bed and a desk in it and she can’t even squeeze in a chest of drawers. At age 9 she is definitely in need of more space.
I would also love an extension downstairs to give me a bigger kitchen and an office and a utility room.
Not much to ask is it (ahem.)
I have been looking over at Crystal Living at some of the options we would have to extend and honestly it got me so excited!
Oh to have more space – it would just be lovely and I think a much more cost effective option than trying to move.
What to consider:
1) Well budget obviously will dictate what we can and cannot do. Consequently it is really important we are very clear about what we can afford to do before our dreams get too big and we get carried away.
2) Secondly, we need to look at a building timetable, we don’t want building to be in full swing in the depth of winter when it is freezing or going over a time when we plan to be on holiday. getting the timing right is really important.
3) Using a firm of builders and architect we have researched fully is also really important.
4) I haven’t yet looked into planning permissions for extensions but many of our neighbours have them so I really cannot see it being a problem but it is an area we will definitely have to investigate.
5) Consideration of your neighbours and their light is also important as bad feeling is not something you need to be living next door too.
6) Can you live through the upheaval? You will need to ask yourself a whole lot of questions in relation to this. Will you need to move out and rent for a few months? Might you need portable toilets in the garden to save the builders walking in and out your house? Do you have a home office? Will this be workable during the building work?
Lots to consider absolutely, but oh it would be wonderful to have more space!
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