Home » Innovative garden watering products

Innovative garden watering products

Hozelock is a leading British manufacturer of gardening products and one of the UK’s favourite gardening suppliers. When they asked me if I would like to review some of their products I was absolutely delighted. I adore my garden but often struggle to keep it blooming.

Any help MUCH appreciated.

We do have a hosepipe but its huge and bulky and doesn’t roll up easily so is always lurking like a big lumpy green snake in our garden ready to trip someone up.

The new Hozelock seasons range is rather lovely in comparison. It all packs away super neatly and comes in beautiful shades of pink, purple and lime green


The reel is fab but the spray gun which comes in matching colours is amazing. It has five different types of spray ….

  • Powerful jet for cleaning
  • Fan for rinsing soap off cars
  • Fast Fill for filling buckets
  • Mist for gently watering seedlings
  • High definition metal rose for gentle watering

The Hozelock Seasons PicoReel is priced RRP: £33.99 and the Multi-Spray Gun is priced RRP: £14.99. Available from Amazon and many garden retailers.


Here is our lime one in action absolutely love how it looks and how it works.

 We were also sent  the Hozelock lance spray which is just fabulous for those of who struggle with our hanging baskets including my 7 year old daughter! Simply attach it to the hose and you are away. Easy as that.


This lance spray retails for £23 at Amazon and its going to save our hanging baskets needing replacing this year!

Last  but not least the ‘I’m going on holiday but what about my plants’ probelm  is solved

Introducing the aquasolo….


Aquasolo waters your plants both inside and in your garden. It is is a  ceramic system that ensures plants are provided with a constant regulated water supply to keep them healthy  – for up to 28 days. They cost from around £10 for a set. Perfect if you plan to go away.

You can see the whole Hozelock range at www.hozelock.com

These items are definitely going to help my garden grow this year!

Please share the thrifty ♥

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