Oh its nearly time for another week off school and boy are we ready. SATS have drained us all! And as it’s (fingers crossed) going to be a lovely and sunny Spring break them I think we should definitely be having a picnic or two. I love picnics and so do my kids.
What I love most about picnics is the lack of mess on my kitchen floor and minimal washing up! Oh and of course fresh air and picnic food and of course the picnicware. I do love picnicware from the baskets to the paper napkins, the bright colours and the indestructibility of it!
I have found a selection of great value picnicware at Tesco and they kindly sent me a few items to review. What do you think of these? I have to say I am rather smitten.
I think the bowls in particular are super value and I am loving the vinatge look of the pitcher and bowl. The blanket has a carry handle and a waterproof back too. All practical and pretty justa s picnic ware should be!
All these lovely picnicware items are from Tesco Direct
You can find delicious ideas for a vegetarian picnic over at A Beautiful Space (my sister blog)