Blog Posts

Blog posts at Thrifty Home – saving you money and helping you create a wonderful home

25 things every thrifty family home needs

I have been having a little think and asking a few of my blogger mum friends and here is our list of 25 things every…

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Planning to retire.

Have you spent any time thinking about how important it is to compare superannuation I bet you haven’t. I bet it’s not top of you…

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A Frugal Kitchen

My word of the week this week is FRUGAL I have taken a good stock of my fridge and my tin cupboard and my freezer…

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Energy Infographic

Take a look at this fascinating energy infographic I never really thought much about light bulbs in the quest to have a thrifty-home but this…

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Quote: Your house becomes your story

Your house becomes your story

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Turn a house into a home

We can spend  money, follow trends, be stylish and emulate the best blogs and magazines. But it is always the heart which creates the real…

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A Home With Kids Needs Books

I firmly believe a home with kids needs books. Books are magic. They can entertain, inform, amuse, enlighten, bewitch, upset, terrify, transport and  they educate.…

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What to do with chipped china

What to do with chipped china Are you wondering what to do with chipped china in your possession? I recently read this great bit of…

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Developing a Spring Garden for Under £10

Spring is coming and their are a few little additions to the garden that can encourage that spring like feeling …..keeping it thrifty of course!…

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My 5 favourite thrifty blog posts: January

Hmm interesting stuff going off across the thrifty web….I have rounded up here for you my favourite thrifty blog posts of january. Enjoy! Lucy on…

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