
In the kitchen at Thrifty Home

Get the Most Out of Your Coffee Machine by Cooking …

Have you heard of coffee machine cooking?  Guest post It’s amazing what some creative home cooks can come up with—did you know that there’s a…

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Pick of the Week: Russell Hobbs Digital Bowl Scales

One of my New Year resolutions was to learn to cook. I am a bit of reluctant cook and tend to heat things up a…

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My Homebase Kitchen Makeover and Friendspiration.

Did you know on average, shoppers spend 29 days researching ideas before kicking off a project, and then spend  £243 on updating their home décor.…

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How to save energy on your laundry

When I talk about saving energy on your laundry I am talking a two pronged approach. Saving energy as in electricity and water and saving…

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Pick of the week : Alphabet Mug

Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn’t try it on. ~Billy Connolly I do like an…

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A Frugal Kitchen

My word of the week this week is FRUGAL I have taken a good stock of my fridge and my tin cupboard and my freezer…

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