InstaThrifty – something new!
I guess if you are here it is because you love a bit of thrifty?
I have been blogging about being thrifty on my budgeting blogs for a long time now..almost 1o years.
You can find my other thrifty blogs at Baby Budgeting and Family Budgeting
I love to write about ways to save and ways to make money but most of all I love to write about a thrifty bargain!
Side by side on my blogging journey has been award winning frugal blogger Cass Bailey from Diary of a Frugal Family
We have another shared love (besides being thrifty) and that is Instagram. We are both huge photography fans and love the community aspect of Instagram.
So, we put out heads together and decided to create #InstaThrifty a community hashtag to share anything thrifty/budgeting/money saving/frugal/upcyled/recycled/bargain on Instagram.
We would absolutely love you to tag you posts and join in.
Every Thursday we will regram and feature our favourite on our Instagram feed – please only tag us if this is okay.
You can find my feed here and Cass’s feed here
Do come and follow us and let’s get #InstaThrifty and build a community that shares and celebrates great money saving!
P.S If you want a peek at my other blogs here is a full list where I discuss such topics as ways to fitness on a budget where I tell you all sort s of money saving advice such as how to get a David Lloyd Free day pass where I share low cost lucury like the buyagift deal that led to our Ragdale hall Review