My new years resolutions were, as usual, quite specific.
This year I want to …
1) Move house
2) Lose 6 stone!
3) Save 10k
4) Keep a tidy and organised home
5) Eat to a meal plan
6) Achieve specific targets with my blogs
7) Have something I have written published.
So how am I doing?
Well I have to say I really am not doing too badly. We have been looking on Right Move and really getting concrete about what we would want from a new house. We have drawn up a saving plan and although very ambitious I think we can really find a way to save what we need.
On the health front I have already lost 6lbs and am feeling so much better for it. I am doing a weekly weigh in with friends and it seem to be keeping me on track so far. Not at all easy though we still have Christmas chocolate left!
I have given myself clear deadlines for my blog targets and for sending out my work to publishers too and I am determined to keep to them.
I am not rushing though or expecting big things straight away.
I read my horoscope over at TheCircle (I’m a Virgo) and it said AVOID expecting too much of anyone, especially you. I actually think that is good advice as I often end up frustrated and disappointed. So my goals this year are simple and clear and will each take probably 6 months to a year to achieve.
I will go on towards them just one small step at a time.
You might also like my post on How to Set Reachable New Year’s Goals
In collaboration with TheCircle