There is such a timeless quality to Parquet flooring
No matter which room you use it in it gives a solid elegance to it that is just so stylish. It manages to look traditional and substantial and entirely contemporary too .. not an easy look or balance to achieve but Parquet flooring effortlessly delivers.
I am a big fan.
There is a growing trend for Parquet flooring as craftsmanship is increasingly appreciated and the eco-credentials of wooden floors become more and more important.
The benefits of wooden floors are many and I have listed just a few here:
Wooden floors last a long time and when you buy FSC certified they’re harvested safely with minimal impact on the environment.
Long lasting
Long lasting floors mean value for money as they need replacing less often. They are also a great reselling point in a home.
Anti Allergy
Carpets trap so much dust and can be a real problem for allergy sufferers. Wooden floors in comparison are easy to clean and keep dust free.
Timeless appeal
Wood is always popular and is never going to not be on trend so you will not be wanting to change it each season to keep your house looking cool.
Works with any change in decor
Due to it’s neutrality a wooden floor works with any decor, it can be jazzed up with runner or a rug. Personally I think they are stunning as they are without the need to accessorize.
Child proof
Muddy footprints, spilt juice and the like are easily cleaned up on wooden floors yet can forever ruin a quality carpet. In this way wooden floors are very family friendly.
Woodpecker have a beautiful range of parquet floors and I want to show you a few of my favourite from their Goodrich range.
I adore the Goodrich Coffee Oak and it’s natural woody colours. It works well with these on-trend dark walls don’t you think? The floor consists of brushed and matt lacquered wood blocks and has a period feel to it. It also looks cosy and warming don’t you think. It is suitable for underfloor heating too which is music to my ears!
I also rather adore the Goodrich Milton
These almost black tiles are rich and earthy and the big blocks look very cool and modern. I envisage this with a faux sheepskin rug or a geometric monochrome. It is smart and sophisticated and doesn’t it work oh so well with those gold accessories. It would definitely be a talking point!
Woodpecker have just added another collection of floors to their Goodrich collection. They’re all absolutely stunning and I am so excited to show you them – which one is your favourite? Mine is the Espresso Oak I think but they are all just so beautiful and classy.
Goodrich Espresso Oak – such a lovely chocolatey coffee colour and perfect with white walls.
Goodrich Salted Oak I love the mix of colours giving such a natural and rustic look to the floor
Goodrich Feather Oak – this is so light and fresh looking and would really open up a floor space
Goodrich Haze Oak – isn’t this just lovely, light and natural and such a pretty colour.
Also pop over and take a peek at Goodrich Truffle Oak it’s rather beautiful.
Do you have wooden floors?
Do you think Parquet flooring is a look that would work in your home? I think it would work anywhere personally.
Do tell me what you think of this beautiful range in the comments below.
collaborative post
Awesome Post. this is very useful for us, I got some vital point. Thank you for sharing this article.
Flooring is SO important in that it can completely impact the feel of any space. This is a great post, and the pictures are superb!