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The Magic of Potting Sheds

The Magic of Potting Sheds

Potting sheds make me smile in just the same way that beach huts do ..their is something very Bristish about them, don’t you think?  I love all sheds actucally I always feel they are just full of potential!

The Magic of Potting Sheds

A potting shed is of course a very intrinsic part of a garden, a place where plants are started off and where tools are stored and as such they matter greatly to the life of a garden. Neglected tools and plants that aren’t bought on end up ruined and so potting sheds are about preservation and growth.

I have always loved this poem by Kipling:


Our England is a garden that is full of stately views,
Of borders, beds and shrubberies and lawns and avenues,
With statues on the terraces and peacocks strutting by;
But the Glory of the Garden lies in more than meets the eye.

For where the old thick laurels grow, along the thin red wall,
You’ll find the tool- and potting-sheds which are the heart of all
The cold-frames and the hot-houses, the dung-pits and the tanks,
The rollers, carts, and drain-pipes, with the barrows and the planks.


I think it tells you how the glory of a garden depends on the toil and the hard work that goes on unseen.

A homage to potting sheds if you like!

The Magic of Potting Sheds

My grandad had a lovely little potting shed and as a small girl I would work next to him side  by side we would plant and pot and take cuttings. We would plant seedlings and daded head and trim. More importantly than that though he woudltak to me telling me tales of long ago and times gone by. He woudl talk to me about my family history and he would share his wisdoms with me , not just about gardens but about life.

I remain nostalgic and rather deeply in love with potting sheds. Every garden and every allotment shout have one. Smaller and more sturdy than greenhouse, less expensive and less likely be smashed by errant balls or dive bombed by passing birds! Oh, the magic of potting sheds.

I would love a little shed of my own too in the garden to do my writing and reading and to hide away from the world. A garden office shed would be lovely and keep all my work clutter out of the house which would be just marvellous! Some are simply stunning too, I love the selection of sheds over at Solid Sheds

From garden offices to potting sheds they have some beauties.

Isn’t this lovely ?The Magic of Potting Sheds

There log cabins are rather gorgeous too


How wonderful to work amidst a garden in an office, potting shed or log cabin..maybe I would be inspired to write like Kipling! Maybe I would be inspired to be comemuch more greenfingered or maybe I would just spend time relaxing.

Ah, sheds. Aren’t they just fantastic?  I do hope you have enjoyed my post on the magic of potting sheds



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