Home » Winter money-saving tips for the savvy home owner

Winter money-saving tips for the savvy home owner

It’s a precarious time of the year to say the least, but treat winter with care and it shouldn’t pose any more problems than any other season.

Of course, don’t take the adequate precautions, and you run the risk of your pocket being hit – significantly.

While your home might appear to be ticking along nicely – underneath the brickwork there could be a whole host of problems cooking due to winter. This is one of the reasons why local central heating and plumbing professionals are so in-demand at this time of year – problems can quickly escalate.



It’s for all of the above that we have put together the following guide. We will now mull over some of the most effective ways to guard against winter problems around your home, and ultimately keep cash in your pocket.

Resist the urge to turn the heating off

While most of us might be quite happy to ramp up the heating and pay the extra bills later, some attempt to be more sensible and even turn the heating system off when the temperature drops.

Unfortunately, on some occasions this approach has proven to be costlier. While you might not be footing any energy bills, the damage that you can do to your pipes can cause all sorts of problems.

If the temperature drops too low, the pipes inside your house can start to freeze and naturally this can cause all sorts of problems.

As such, the general rule of thumb is to make sure that your thermostat is always at least 65 degrees during the winter months.

Regularly check your pipes

We’ve just touched on the topic, but regardless of whether or not you are keeping your heating on, you should be checking your pipes regularly anyway.

We’ll reiterate again that they can become much more susceptible to damage at this time of year, particularly in relation to cracks and leaks. Repairing them should be treated as a matter of urgency.

Find out how to shut your water supply off

Once again, the subject is pipes.

As we’ve highlighted on umpteen occasions – the chances of them freezing are somewhat higher.

This is therefore the time you need to arm yourself with knowledge about your house and specifically, how to shut the water off. If your pipes do freeze, this should be the first thing you do to minimize the risk of major damage occurring.

At the same time, if you can at least know where your pipes are located you can aid the plumber substantially if they are called out in relation to this.

The old cliché; insulation

Our message so far has revolved around pipes. Now, we’ll move onto one of the biggest cliché’s in the industry; insulation.

As well as bringing your heating bills down by keeping more heat in your home, there are other benefits to making sure you’re armed with sufficient amounts of insulation.

If too much heat is allowed to escape through your roof, it increases the chance of any snow melting on the roof. The upshot is that this water can refreeze, causing an excessive build-up of ice which can cause countless other problems.

Here’s a great guide on how to prepare for winter


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