Home » Heating solutions for small spaces

Heating solutions for small spaces

Heating solutions for small spaces

Gosh this last week really has got so chilly hasn’t it?

How quickly the Autumn has come around and winter edges ever nearer.

mural tree

It doesn’t seem five minutes since summer and I have only just put away all our summer clothes!

I work from home and I have this constant battle with myself about whether or not I should put the heating on during the day when it is just me at home or just add layer upon layer of clothing until I simply cannot bear it any longer.

I have tried draught proofing, thermals, hot cups of tea, a hot breakfast, wearing slippers and shutting all internal doors. These are all fabulously thrifty options but to be honest it’s still chilly and I am going to need to heat this space if I want to work effiiciently

The tiny corner of the kitchen that I work in does not have room for a traditionally sized radiator and fan heaters can be expensive to run. I really thinks a slimline radiator would be a great solution for my ‘office space.’

Some ultra slim models are from as little as 7.5cm deep and they offer a practical heating solution for even the most confined spaces.There are so many different designs to choose form too and they can look really stylish, from  traditional to contemporary. There are also some really state of the art programmable SMART radiators so I could even make sure my little space is warmed up before I got home.

Slimline digital electric radiators are often energy-efficient too with the latest dry thermal technology, a high precision electronic thermostat and fully programmable heating controls which can help minimise waste.

They really are a good solution for small spaces.

I have found a great radaitor calculator where you can fill in the details of your room and home to determine the kind of product and wattage you need.

Yes think it is definitely time to get the heating sorted out!



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