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The benefits of shared office space

The benefits of shared office space

I work from home.

I thought working from home would be the bee’s knees when I worked in an office. I would lose the rubbish coffee, having to get out my PJ’s and the long commute. It was very appealing.

To start with it was pretty fabulous I have to say, how I relished keeping my own timetable and making my own ( good)  coffee and not constantly having to sponsor someone’s child or attend endless meetings.

The benefits of shared office space

Over the years though lone home working has rather lost some of its shine.

I work from a tiny corner of my kitchen, facing a wall. It is not inspiring.

Some days it is really quite lonely.

Sure I have a viral facebook bloggers community where we check in from time to time and have a chat but it’s not quite the same as having someone actually there.

Sometimes I will meet a friend for coffee to have a break in my day but it is time-consuming and pretty irregular.

I long for a shared office. I wouldn’t get distracted by domestic chores, I would not be so lonely and there would always be someone to share my coffee with.

 Have you heard of Signature Works

Signature Works have 3 shared office spaces across Liverpool that offer you the opportunity to work alongside and network with other freelancers and potential client businesses while giving you a beautiful space to work.

The benefits are huge in terms of networking and the potential to forge working relationships with other local business and freelancers is fabulous.

I think this kind of set up would really inspire me and help enhance my creativity as seeing what others do and how they work would be fascinating. It would also be absolutely lovely to have someone to bounce ideas off, help me out in one of my (rather frequent) technical challenges and also to have feedback.

Just someone to smile and sigh with would be lovely too.

At  Signature works as well as office space you also get to use meeting rooms (which of course you just cannot do with a home office – having a meeting in my lounge with its red sofas and children’s toys everywhere is a really unprofessional! ) You can also use their gym – which would be so good for me and a lovely empowering break in my work day.

There are a host of member benefits too at Signature |Works including high-speed internet and 24-hour security.

It sounds a really good set up and even for just a couple of days a week I could see his working for me. You can choose between co-working and hot desking and even having your own office.

What a fabulous alternative to my kitchen wall and coffee for one.


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